ZUMDIECK - Over 50 years of experience in the production, import, processing and sales of foods
Company History
- 1967: Company founded by Heinrich Zumdieck and his sons Wolfgang and Michael as an importer in Paderborn
- 1977: Company moves to its current location with its own offices and preserve warehouse in the east of Paderborn
- 1985: Expansion of storage capacity by approx. 4,500 pallets of preserves through the addition of a new high-rack warehouse
- 1986: Heinrich Zumdieck dies and Michael Zumdieck withdraws from operational business, the business is continued by Wolfgang Zumdieck; Ferdinand Goeken joins the company as a partner and executive director
- 1990: Beginning of trading in frozen products in addition to the existing preserves range
- 1991: Expansion of warehouse space by approx. 1,000 m² block storage
- 1992: First entry into production through participation in a freezer plant in Eastern Hungary
- 1993: Expansion of storage capacity in Paderborn to a total of ~ 12,500 pallets of preserves and ~ 2,500 pallets in a high-rack frozen produce storage facility
- 1997: New storey added to the administration building in Paderborn
- 2002: The entry of Marcus Zumdieck into operational business and as a partner means that succession within the family is assured; Karl-Heinz Miersch is appointed an executive director and also becomes a partner in 2003
- 2003: Strengthening of the frozen sector for storage (4,500 pallets), sorting, packaging and production of mixtures at Venlo in the Netherlands
- 2004: Start of our own production in China as a majority shareholder in a freezer plant in Shandong and foundation of the preserve plant Turkey as a majority shareholding; start of production after a construction phase of just 6 months in the summer of 2005
- 2005: Founding of Zumdieck Asia Ltd. in Hong Kong as a 100% subsidiary for bundling purchasing and quality control activities in China, which is becoming increasingly important as a purchasing market
- 2006: Withdrawal of Ferdinand Goeken as an executive director; succeeded in the operative Foodservice/Retail Sales Division by Karl-Heinz Miersch
- 2007: The change in the company name to Zumdieck GmbH and the launch of the motto “Global Food Solutions” takes account of the modified business model as a customer-oriented food producer and service provider
- 2009: The proportionate share in turnover of frozen products exceeds preserves for the first time
- 2012: Marcus Zumdieck - so far authorized signatory and responsible for international purchasing as well as for operational coordination with the subsidiaries - is appointed executive director
- 2017: Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the company, Wolfgang Zumdieck withdraws from the executive management after 30 years of active duty and continues to support the executive board consisting of managing directors Marcus Zumdieck and Karl-Heinz Miersch in an advisory role.