ZUMDIECK - Over 50 years of experience in the production, import, processing and sales of foods
Company Mission (Excerpt)
- Our aim is to assume a leading role in the European food market as a customer- and service-oriented producer and service provider. In doing so, we rely on the efficient organization of the functions of a producer and direct importer with our technical possibilities of adding value to products, breaking bulk, warehousing and distribution of produce. Our long-standing experience in sourcing markets and reliable alliances are the guarantee for a strong back up, quality and sustainability. With our service-oriented approach represented by our motto "Global Food Solutions", we intend to be better than our competitors.
- To provide the greatest possible reliability, security and legal compliance for products in responsibility to our customers and our environment. This also involves the fulfillment of hygiene standards and ecological and social requirements when selecting producers (total quality management, social responsibility) – always with consideration of and respect for the relevant cultural conditions and national laws.
- Expansion and consolidation of our market position in the area of foodservice and food industry and further development of our acceptance in the food retailing sector as an innovative, reliable and high-performance supplier and problem solver.
- Innovation and development of our product range, of new products and service packages according to market demands in order to act as a stimulus and sought-after retail partner throughout the food sector.
- Respect for human dignity, human rights and fair competition while pursuing our corporate objectives, particularly when purchasing in countries (developing countries) whose economic structure favors unilateral dependency and therefore exploitation and social disadvantage.