Our responsibility — Social Engagement
Social Engagement
Producing, importing and selling our goods, we feel committed to fair partnership and sustainability. This voluntary engagement has already been fixed for years in our company mission.
Due to our image of society and human beings, we are convinced that social engagement is generally important, no matter whether in the closer or wider environment. For this reason we are sponsoring institutions and projects nationally as well as internationally which provide a contribution to the preservation and further development of liberal, open societies, basing on a life- and human-affirming view of the world. Changing attitudes and circumstances sustainably, means beginning with the youth. Therefore the focus of our social, cultural and sportive sponsorship lies in the area of child and youth work.
Some already longer lasting activities are the following:
Internationaler Verband Westfälischer Kinderdörfer e.V.
According to our international orientation, we have been supporting for many years the IVWK (International Union of Westphalian Children’s Villages).
In relation with this engagement we continuously brought forward single projects as well as the development and operation of three international children's villages in our supplying regions Asia, South America and Africa. Orphans and poor children are integrated in families with native foster parents and siblings. They get an academic and professional education.
Apart from providing global subsidies, we assumed the sponsorship for apprenticeship and academic studies in Ghana and Peru. We regularly bring in our professional know-how for the execution and transport financing of containers with humanitarian relief items.
Haxterpark GmbH - Sports for young people
By supporting a unique project of inclusion in Germany, the "Haxterpark GmbH", we campaign for an active get-together of handicapped and not handicapped people.
Taking into consideration medical and scientific results of researches of the University Paderborn, certain sports were chosen with the object of enabling handicapped and not handicapped people to do sports together, including archery and golf. Apart from this main mission of the project, 16 jobs for handicapped people were created in the areas of the green keeping and the catering of the associated golf club.
Regarding the sponsoring of general sports - following our spirit - we focus on the youth work of some local sports clubs in handball, football & tennis.
Theater Paderborn
On the cultural sector we support the local theatre, especially its youth work.
Intense collaboration with the association "Theaterfreunde Paderborn e.V." (Friends of the Theater) and selective aid of special youth plays are combined with particular support of the theatre pedagogy. By means of "experiencing and touching theatre", but also by taking active part, young people shall be inspired.
Dealing with psychological and social topics, with human and interpersonal grief, joy, desperation, drama or humour, can help young people to develop their personality and to enrich society as a whole.